Bachelor student Sarah Trott was spotted leaving the club with G-Eazy last year

  • BA Contestant Sarah Trott was once seen leaving the club with J-Easy.
  • Sarah is currently on a journey to find love with Matt James.

    There’s no such thing as some random AF, celebrity gossip. When two celebs who seem to exist in alternate universes find themselves stuck together (* cough * Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde * Cough *), it’s so much fun. You know what I mean? Some rumors leave you scratching your head. Well this is one of those times. Sarah Trott is currently working Season Matt James BSCAnd the But this isn’t the first time she’s been in the spotlight.

    The 24-year-old contestant was spotted leaving Delilah nightclub in West Hollywood, California with G-Eazy in March 2020. At that time, she was labeled a “mystery woman” and her actual identity was later revealed through an Instagram story. It looks like she was celebrating the birthday of a woman named Kristen with the rapper.

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    Instagram account, @ bachelornation.scoop posted photos of Sarah and G-Eazy leaving the club. Of course, it’s important to point out (again) that this was last January even before Matt was announced as the next Bachelor. It’s funny to think Sarah and G-Eazy are hanging out … in a club. G-Eazy now Dating Ashley Benson And a lot of fans are already rooted for Sarah and Matt after their one-on-one romantic date. Chris Harrison teased Sarah’s relationship with Matt this season.

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    “Sometimes … those who got this early attention, those who had that initial and really bright spark, it’s hard to keep going because it’s clear that the bachelor / bachelorette has to go somewhere else,” He said. Um … that doesn’t sound good. They have to break these relationships into pieces, and that makes it really difficult when you have this initial burst of energy. So, can Sarah continue to do this? Can she handle it? Or is she getting the best of them? “.

    If we’ve learned one thing now, it’s that BA The producers (and Chris) love to get rid of us. So, anything can happen!

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